For my Mama

my mama had hands

knock you into next

Sunday get you right

quick she knew what

you thought before the

thought formed we were

instructed to think

good thoughts she

was intuitive to

a point she wanted things

she discerned how to get them

she was brave had to be

so she was she was bigger than a

survivor she learned to strive

she had secrets some we knew

some we learned others died

with her  she was stubborn like that

she had little use for

weakness so we were able

she had been wounded some

where but she kept that to herself

it drove her in ways we could not

understand she medicated her demons

but they would howl

and rage at times

she was hungry for life

she had a small slice her dreams

were big enough to hold more

she was wise in her way knowing

enough to get her way her life

taught more than she shared if you

were a part of her she would fight for

you but she could let go too of some things

not the source of her wounds or

the way life made her a warrior woman

don’t know if she knew she was born to

the sword and shield but she carried the

banner none the less taught me to go

forward in the storm to make what I need

to trust myself because sometimes that

be your only counsel she taught me to

cover the ground with my shadow and

to draw a line you can’t cross with your

hands closed she made me who I be

by negation and adaptation I follow her

down paths she cleared I carry her

with me through doors she never opened

into rooms she would have dominated

had she been given what she gave

she is with me in the deserts of my despair

she is with me on top of the mountain

many  mountains behind us

many more in front of us

Ache Mama Ache

look at the view

About Ayodele Nzinga, MFA, PhD

I create; therefore I am.
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1 Response to For my Mama

  1. Mari says:

    This is lovely

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